
Custom Avatar Creator for Unity and Unreal Engine Avatar SDKs

The web-based Ready Player Me Avatar Creator, integrated via WebView, is a great and widely adopted solution. It can provide you with a fully functional Avatar Creator, complete with all avatar customization options for your game within minutes. It consistently incorporates the latest Ready Player Me features, all without requiring any coding on your part.

However, it does have its limitations. It might not seamlessly align with the visual style of your game/app or it might not be accessible on the platform you're developing for (such as VR). This is why we've included all the necessary tools to craft your custom and native version of the Ready Player Me Avatar Creator directly within the Unity or Unreal game engines. Additionally, we've included a sample for you to explore the full range of functionality.

Check out the packages and the getting-started guides on GitHub

Please let us know any feedback and and share your own Custom Avatar Creator in GitHub Discussions or on Discord.