It's been a busy summer at Ready Player Me. We have been working hard on bringing new features to our avatar platform and SDKs. But before we dive into the new features, we have to celebrate: Ready Player Me is now used by 3,000+ developers! We are grateful to have amazing partners like you join us in building an open and interoperable metaverse.
Now onto what's new in Ready Player Me for developers.
Updated Unity SDK with avatar renders and runtime caching
The latest version of our Unity SDK (v1.11.0) is now available. You can now take advantage of our Render API directly within the Unity SDK, enabling you to create 2D renders of avatars. It's for creating leaderboards or user profiles in the UI of your game.

Another much-requested feature coming in v1.11.0 caching avatars during runtime. Previously it was available only in the Unity Editor, but now you can use it in your app or game, saving users' loading time. Cached avatars are stored in Unity’s `Application.PersistentDataPath`. If you're looking to make loading multiple avatars more efficient, we also added some new examples to our docs.
The latest version of the Unity SDK also brings SDKLogger – a debugging tool printing logs about avatar loading operation and status. The results can be viewed during runtime. There are a few smaller improvements too:
- Option to remove session info after creating an avatar (great for kiosk-like experiences)
- Simplified UI of the Avatar Loader
- The WebView Partner Editor is now renamed to "Settings"
- Loaded avatars from the Avatar Loader are now imported as Prefabs
Lastly, we would like to ask you for help. We embedded product analytics in our SDK to learn which features need more attention and where we can improve the most. They are disabled by default, but it would help develop our platform if you decide to turn them on. We are transparent about how to use the data – you can read more about it here. TL;DR: no personal data is captured, and we don’t share any data with third parties.
Improved documentation for new partners
Our developer documentation received an upgrade! If you're new to Ready Player Me or want to learn how to integrate our avatar system into your app or game, our improved docs will make it a breeze.

First, we added an all-new "Try me" section with quick start references for all platforms. It will guide you through example integrations in under 15 mins. Second, we added the "Partner showcase" section covering how other developers use Ready Player Me. Third, we revamped the structure of the Unity and Unreal sections, making it easier to import and complete the setup of the SDKs.
Please leave your feedback using the page-rating feature at the bottom of the documentation. It helps us improve the docs even more in the future.
More recent updates to Ready Player Me
- Ready Player Me now supports the Cardano blockchain, allowing for custom unlockable content based on the network
- New horizontal UI is currently tested by selected users. You will see it live in the coming weeks
Become a Partner and add Ready Player Me avatars to your app or game
Excited about new features coming to our platform? We are always looking to help more companies and developers become part of the metaverse.
If you want to integrate our avatars into your app or game, apply to become a partner.