Upload Custom Outfits and Clothes to Ready Player Me With New Asset Manager and APIs

We're thrilled to announce the launch of our new Asset Manager for Ready Player Me in open beta. We are enabling developers to create and manage custom clothes and outfits within their own apps and games.
The ability to upload and manage custom content has been, by far, the most requested feature by developers using Ready Player Me. Our avatar platform has an extensive library of hundreds of free avatar customization options, including content from brands like New Balance, Pull&Bear, and Tommy Hilfiger. Starting today, developers can expand the library by introducing new content unique to their experiences.
Developer Studio lets developers customize the avatar editor in their applications. With the new Asset Manager, they now also have the ability to upload, validate, publish, and manage custom avatar outfits. The tool doesn't require any coding skills. Anyone with minimum Blender experience can create custom assets for Ready Player Me avatars.

The Asset Manager in the Developer Studio is just one way to add custom content to your app or game. You can use the `https://api.readyplayer.me/v1/assets` endpoint in our REST API to integrate directly into your existing DevOps toolchains. Here’s a request example:
How to create custom clothes for Ready Player Me avatars
Custom assets must be based on full-body templates and follow our technical guidelines. Asset Manager automatically validates outfits upon upload, so developers can be confident that their creations will work seamlessly with Ready Player Me avatars. There's also a Ready Player Me Blender plugin that lets you validate assets during the creation process. The final file must be saved in the GLB format and be under 10 MB.
The easiest way to add custom content to your application is by using the Developer Studio. Once your custom asset is ready, log in to your Studio account. If you don't have an account, you can sign up for free. In the Studio, navigate to the Asset Management section and click Add new asset or drag-and-drop the asset GLB file. The next page will guide you through the upload process, including naming the asset, specifying the body type, and setting the preview icon.
The initial open beta release of the Asset Manager focuses on full-body avatar outfits in single apps and games. In future updates, we will expand the capabilities to make assets available across all applications. We will also support modular outfits with individual selections of headwear and outfit tops and bottoms.
Integrate the Ready Player Me avatar system in your app
Asset Manager is the latest addition to the Ready Player Me Platform and Developer Studio. It covers all of your avatar needs. Sign up for free here.