By far, the most requested feature by developers using Ready Player Me was the ability to change the level of detail (LODs) of avatars, giving control over the quality and performance of avatars in apps and games. Today, we are finally bringing this feature to our Unity and Unreal Engine SDKs.
But that’s not all – thanks to the Avatar API, you have more control over the avatar’s configuration directly from the SDKs.
Adjust avatars’ level of detail and other parameters
With the new versions of the Unity and Unreal Engine SDKs, you can set the LOD of the avatars loaded into your project. You now have control over mesh-LOD, texture atlas size, and texture size limit. These tools should help optimize the performance of your app or game, making it possible to load hundreds of avatars in the same scene.

You can also pick between A- and T-pose, toggle morph targets based on your own needs, and disable provided hands for half-body avatars – all without leaving the Unity or Unreal editor.
Check the updated developer documentation covering all of the new features.
Avatar API: a big step toward interoperability
All of the features that we covered above wouldn’t be possible without our new Avatar API. And this is just the beginning. Learn about what’s coming in the future in a blog post from our CTO, Rainer Selvet.
Become a Partner and add Ready Player Me avatars to your app or game
Excited about new features coming to our platform? If you want to integrate our avatars into your app or game, apply to become a partner.