Hey there! 👋
It's been a busy month for Ready Player Me. There's been many updates core to the platform, here's everything that's new 🎉
Content management
We now deliver all customization assets through a content management system. Customization assets can be updated on the fly by artists or content managers, managed per individual partner domain. All changes are instantly available on Ready Player Me. This was a much needed step in streamlining the process from content creation by artists to making it available to users. It's now easier to bring more variety to content and opens the possibility to exclusive or scheduled content drops. This is also a step towards accepting content contributions from the community.
Exportable full-body avatars
We can now create full-body characters. Available for demo on https://fullbody.readyplayer.me. Would you like to use full body avatars in your partner space? Let us know!
Exported full-body characters come with a Mixamo compatible full body rig, including facial animation blend shapes like mouthOpen, mouthSmile, eyeBlinkLeft, eyeBlinkRight.

Wider skin tone range
We reduced the number of skin tone options but gave them a bigger impact.

User interface themes
We can now change the look of the user interface for individual partners.

More content
We added lots more hairstyles, beard options, shirts, and glasses to the customization selection.

Other notable platform updates
Avatar export times are greatly reduced to about ~3-5 seconds. Asset colors are better represented across Ready Player Me and different game engines. Avatars are delivered via CDN for better performance.
Stay tuned for more updates soon!
Become a Ready Player Me Partner
Do you want to join us in the mission of building the metaverse? Become a Ready Player Me partner to integrate our avatars with your app or game.