Dive deep into Faraway's journey to integrate Ready Player Me avatars into Mini Royale: Nations in our new Developer Diaries series.
There's a story behind each of the 8,000+ developers deciding to integrate Ready Player Me avatars into their app or game; a story full of lines of code, QA, bug fixes, and user testing. In our new Developer Diaries interview series, we are inviting developers behind the most popular apps using Ready Player Me avatars to tell us their story.
We are kicking off this new series with Faraway – developers behind Mini Royale: Nations, a web-based FPS game. They are the first studio to introduce two-way interoperability with Ready Player Me, bringing avatars from their game to our avatar platform and vice versa.
During a fireside-style chat, you'll have the opportunity to dive into a captivating Q&A session with Faraway's developers and learn how they integrated Ready Player Me into Mini Royale: Nations. The studio is backed by renowned investors like Andreessen Horowitz and Sequoia. The game has quickly gained a reputation for its engaging gameplay and immersive experience.
The livestream will occur on May 18h at 12:00 PM (EDT). Sign up here to watch live or to get the recording later.
The recording will be available later on our YouTube channel.
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